Installation Steps

Before starting the installation,  you must have Java Development Kit 7 or higher installed. You can download it from (

If you have java already installed, follow the next steps:
  1. Download the installer from here
  2. Unzip the binary distribution. This will generate a wisemapping-<version> directory.

  3. Open a command line terminal within wisemapping-<version> directory.
  4. Finally, execute the following line to start wisemapping:

    ~:> java -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true -jar start.jar
  5. WiseMapping server will be started on http://localhost:8080/wisemapping/.  You could start testing it using the user and password test.

Congrats!, you should have WiseMapping really to be use. A couple of additional comments you have to keep in mind:

Finally, for advance installation questions or problems you visit he group 

Last Versions Changes

1/10/2014 -  3.0.2 GA 
4/18/2013 -  3.0.1 GA 
2/20/2013 -  3.0 GA 
1/20/2013 -  3.0 Release Candidate 4

11/10/2012 -  3.0 Release Candidate 3
9/2/2012 -  3.0 Release Candidate 2
9/2/2012 -  3.0 Release Candidate 1
8/12/2012 - 3.0 Beta 4: 
Version 3.0 drops will be fully compatible, not action will be required more than pointing to the same database. 
If you are coming from v2.0, database migration SQL scripts need to be executed. Scripts could be found in the binary distribution package.